Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Creaky Classic

Greg Brown's pipes aren't the most melifluous. Put him in a boxing ring with Leonard Cohen and they could have a croak-off. But a chance spin of Brown's "'Cept You and Me Babe" on the radio reminded me of how much I always liked this tune.

The lyrics paint a tough picture: "it's raining sheets of rain / everything is cold and wet /nobody's going out of doors / they're all at home living it up on the internet /so i guess nobody's lonely any more /'cept you and me babe / 'cept you and me." It's the last couplet that blows the whole thing up.

Add to the stew Brown's deep, rumbling voice, which reminds me of (as noted) Leonard Cohen holding forth on the misery of life on songs like "Everybody Knows," and the effect is pretty devastating.

Let's just say "Cept You And Me" is not a tune to load into the iPod for a workout at the gym.

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